ࡱ> 3Y( VKJ/ 0|DArialcratomanllnC0DWingdingsomanllnC0 DTimes New RomanllnC00DTahomaew RomanllnC0"@DAristocratomanllnC0" B .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h` asBFL FGF,! mnM   21       '!#&4589:;=>M NRSUVYZ[\^defghijkno 0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E? f3@38 g4KdKdxC 0|ppp@ <4!d!d8A10lhnC<4dddd8A10lhnCʚ;ʚ;<4dddd8108g4KdKdC 0pipH 0___PPT10 ppf___PPT9Hz4? %O =10When Minds Meet: PAUSING, CONNECTING, RELATING.11,0 -Some thoughts on Mother-Infant Psychotherapy.- Pausing&  HB Before we begin j%Know the Value of Mother-Infant Work.&&,tThere is nothing more valuable for the community s future. Know Yourself0What do babies do to you?k An Ink Blot  L#Know what you believe about babies.$$ # Know what babies  do to you. How do you react to different babies? What is your automatic thinking about babies, your own baby  prejudices ? What you think about mothers and babies sets the stage for how you connect with mothers and babies.d<45 i8Let mothers start where they wish with their new babies.99,"Begin with a Positive Partnership.f5Let mothers start where they wish with their babies. 66 TMothers need to be given an opportunity to do things how they want. It is rarely helpful to prescribe at the outset. Try to exhibit confidence in the mother s choices.   Connecting&  HB    rHear The Story of the Baby.0_Assume that most mothers have some trauma that will effect their relationship with their baby. ``*Every mother and baby have a unique story."+$  * Help to ventilate the story of the baby. We listen to the mother so that she can  listen to the baby. Selma Fraiberg  Hear the mother s  cry and she will then be able to  hear the cry of her baby . 6wSwS(hb  h\Try to meet the new mother s dependency needs.//,&Model a secure attachment relationship2tBe willing to accept and meet the new mother s dependency.;; : Healthy mothers, like healthy babies, will wish to become  dependant on you as their therapist/caseworker. Accepting the mother s dependency in turn helps the mother to accept the dependency of the baby.$; 3Model a secure attachment. We try to be a  secure object for the mother so she will know unconsciously what to do with her baby. We try to be as available as possible for the new mother. Schedule regular sessions. Regularity is more important than frequency. This avoids the well baby being brought along as a  ticket for the mother to see you.@ 4'Try to see mothers and babies together.((0' *This makes any therapy far more effective.++ + aDAs a general principle always try to see the mother with the infant.EED This is especially true if the infant is difficult or unsettled. If you can t stand the infant for a brief period of time, how can the mother be expected to cope? There are enormous opportunities to model attachment behaviours when the infant is unsettled. (A  ^ Relating&  H    #Promote a wider supportive network.$$,Everyone can help in some way..  ~2Transference is your friend. Take advantage of it.33(2 ;Mothers project all sorts of feelings onto their therapists<< < wMonitor how you are feeling  Your feelings are often not your own! Try to monitor how you feel (counter-transference) and feed it back as a trial interpretation.  I guess it seems that a lot of the time it doesn t matter what you do. It just doesn t work. or  I guess you are feeling at times that you know nothing about looking after a baby. These interpretations can be enormously relieving for the mother and very helpful. .   zzHelp Parents To Reflect On Their Baby s Emotional Experience.>>(FMany caregivers lack this ability at first. It is crucial to relating.F Keep a Solutions Focus.( BMaintain a solutions  tool box . ! The Solutions Focus Make use of what is already there. Always seize on what the caregiver is doing right. Look for previous skills. Strengths. Avoid focus on deficits. Avoid the blame game. Look for the exceptions. When does the solution already happen? 6W W The Solutions Focus (2) How would you know if the solution had arrived? The  magic question . I hReframe  Negative Behaviour to Promote Attachment.  53 4 Help the infant s attachment behaviours to become the solution not the problem. Language is important. Identify key metaphors. War vs Gardening  battles, winners, losers, campaigns battle-grounds, retreats, casualties, combat, fighting, retreat, strategy, tactics etc Growth, nurturing, pruning shaping, arranging, paths, borders, shoots, dormancy and flowering*ZZi Use Positive Suggestion.0  *Use your leverage as an attachment figure.* C The use of positive suggestion. &!(  i.e. you simply speak as if this will definitely happen, that they will do these things. This is a form of  waking suggestion . Related to hypnotic techniques. You can  see them being a sensitive mother. ZvC   H"  1 DThe use of positive suggestion & ( We Draw a new  dotted picture of the client which the client later fills in. You draw the picture of their future (positive) behaviour and interaction. The client fills it in later with their behaviour. A case example. \OL   tDon t give up. 0tThe mother s and baby s development is an ongoing process.6;*: .& ..A Cycle& .6  1vTHE ENDH  /d-/@HDIEoHpIsJuLvMxNRSWXZ\_mopqvwxyz{|}~v 0` 3fffff3̙3f̙` ̙3f` ff3f` f33f3f` 3ffƍ` fff3` f33̙` 3f|>?" dZ@$?lKd@   l@  P`lA n?" dd@   @@``PT   @ ` `p>> @ 8  L  (  L 4Z  L # "\\  L  "h L  s *" L   $0e0e BCDELF>5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E?|b4"%>Ul @   `c"$  f\  L  "n" L  0G"r L B T??"  L <PCGH "` C X Click to edit Master title style!! .  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It means not pushing them off the topic to get on To a topic that you prefer. Don t play my topic is better than your topic.  H T 0_]`h ? ̙33t0 ld@ (   d  c $Bl  vX  s *TvFH  v Staying on track with clients is not the same as agreeing with everything They are talking about. It means not pushing them off the topic to get on To a topic that you prefer. Don t play my topic is better than your topic.  H  0_]`h ? ̙330  6(   d  c $C~  v  s *(vFH  v   H  0_]`h ? ̙330  6(   d  c $C~  v  s *5vFH  v   H  0_]`h ? ̙330 $ (   ^  S C~  y  c $4<FH  y When working with mothers and babies, get to know what babies  do to you. H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.F260   F(   ^  S C~    c $FH   <Leave the new mother either antenatally, or early postnatally, they are often best left to their own devices. The mothers/parents who you think might get into trouble have a way of surprising you. Certainly we know of the mother who seems destined to sail through who  inexplicably doesn t.  What are you planning to do? you might ask. The correct answer to any reply is always,  Good! That usually works well. Don t prescribe  sleep strategies for mothers who want to do their own thing. %  H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.GЍa0   *(   ^  S C~    c $|RFH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.G&920 H@  (   ^  S C~  :  c $(dFH   Do not fear  creating dependency ; it is already there. It will last as long as it is needed. Nothing with a baby lasts for long. There are limited time frames for intervention with a baby. Primary Maternal PreoccupationH  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.I  30 D <  (   ^  S C~  6  c $FH   ZWe try to be a secure object for the mother so she will know unconsciously what to do with her baby. We try to be as available as possible for the new mother. Schedule frequent sessions, preferably weekly. Don t make the new mum fight your secretary for an appointment. Function as a  secure-object for the mother. An attachment figure. Model secure attachment by being available. This is not to be confused with being nice, or having a friendly chat. This is powerful evidence-based medicine. Your time is very valuable and has a potent effect. This avoids the well baby being brought along as a  ticket for the mother to see you. This relates to being (appropriately)  available and being highly  reliable . Even if the frequency and total duration of contact are limited it is possible to act as a secure base. We can be a secure base even if we hardly ever see the client but secure attachment requires some  comings and goings. 0|.  H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.J0<+v:0   J(   ^  S C~    c $FH   @When we feel that we are seemingly of not much help with patients and everything we suggest seems to fail, offer an interpretation.  I guess it seems that a lot of the time it doesn t matter what you do. It just doesn t work. or  I guess you are feeling at times that you know nothing about looking after a baby. Try to monitor how you feel (counter-transference) and feed it back as a trial interpretation. These interpretations can be enormously relieving for the mother and very helpful. $  H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.K J0 ! *(   ^  S C~  C  c $p CFH  C   H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.z0 ! *(   ^  S C~  C  c $$CFH  C   H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.z0 !( *(  ( ^ ( S C~   ( c $詓FH     H ( 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.0 !, *(  , ^ , S C~   , c $SFH     H , 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.40 "4 *(  4 ^ 4 S C~   4 c $(FH     H 4 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.0 0"< *(  < ^ < S C~   < c $FH     H < 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.Hv0 `"H *(  H ^ H S C~  v H c $`tvFH  v   H H 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.p[&0 P# 6(   d  c $C~    s *FH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.&0 # 6(   d  c $C~    s * FH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.H0 # *(   ^  S C~  v  c $ vFH  v   H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.R:0 # *(   ^  S C~  v  c $|vFH  v   H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.HA0 $ *(   ^  S C~    c $"FH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.vH0 0% *(   ^  S C~    c $iCFH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.m&0 `% 6(   d  c $C~    s *DFH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.m0 % *(   ^  S C~    c $LFH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.\ǒ0 % *(   ^  S C~    c $|FH     H  0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.7X0 P&D *(  D ^ D S C~  v D c $nvFH  v   H D 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.0&0 p&\ 6(  \ d \ c $C~  v \ s *vFH  v   H \ 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.z&0 &d 6(  d d d c $C~  v d s *vFH  v   H d 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.R:0 &l (  l X l C C~   l S  FH     H l 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.Ѓ0 &| *(  | ^ | S C~  + | c $|4+FH  +   H | 0_]`h ? ̙3380___PPT10.ЃrKzVs0h ;Yi/1&C c.H rLfDh@0 >o ` r Ju@l<)z~W J/l1 3579<8> 0f@B+D@ZF|HKJMlOQv[SU X"ZD\1/YOh+'0= px     ,8@PowerPoint PresentationIan Harrison CapsulesDr Ian Harrison85Microsoft PowerPoint@PiԐ@mT@ ۛO@G;g  &" WMFC HH.lx EMFH.@F(GDICx!b $$=='% % V0xx x % % $$AA" FGDICF(GDICgxF(GDICPx( !b $$=='̙% % V0Pxxx% % $$AA" FGDICF(GDIC g3( !b $$=='%  ;X400##6X#X4#cccX=<> g3 % $$AA" FGDICFGDICF(GDIC?U\F(GDIC?U\( !b $$=='3f%  ; QX( Q Q Q6 X(   6X(6QX(QQQ=<>?U[ % $$AA" FGDICF(GDICU\!b $$==%  ;" QX46 QG eG ~G 6 " Y$Q=<>U[ % $$AA" FGDICFGDICF(GDIC*lQwFGDICF(GDICdlwFGDICF(GDIC 4!b $$==_8883% % ;X400##6#X4A #   A =<@ 4% % $$AA( " FGDICRp@ArialYlǢ0͢lǢt ,0ܘЙˢlǢ0͢0͢@*0ЙSA0U0%0Ԟt0͢ș80Йdv%    3fT)AA)LpWhen Minds Meet:    % ( Rp@Arial5Arial ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~! DocumentSummaryInformation8Root EntrydO)D)@Current UserMSummaryInformation(4=PowerPoint Document(   '_tDr Ian HarrisonDr Ian Harrison՜.+,0X    On-screen ShowIan Harrisony' %Arial WingdingsTimes New RomanmnM   21       '!#&4589:;=>M NRSUVYZ[\^defghijkno 0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E? f3@8 g4KdKddgׯ0Fppp@ <4!d!dvS0L,<4ddddvS0L,ʚ;ʚ;<4ddddS0g4KdKdHiׯ0pipH 0___PPT10 ppf___PPT9Hz4? %O =10When Minds Meet: PAUSING, CONNECTING, RELATING.11,0 -Some thoughts on Mother-Infant Psychotherapy.- Pausing&  HB Before we begin j%Know the Value of Mother-Infant Work.&&,tThere is nothing more valuable for the community s future. Know Yourself0What do babies do to you?k An Ink Blot  L#Know what you believe about babies.$$ # Know what babies  do to you. How do you react to different babies? What is your automatic thinking about babies, your own baby  prejudices ? What you think about mothers and babies sets the stage for how you connect with mothers and babies.d<45 i8Let mothers start where they wish with their new babies.99,"Begin with a Positive Partnership.f5Let mothers start where they wish with their babies. 66 TMothers need to be given an opportunity to do things how they want. It is rarely helpful to prescribe at the outset. Try to exhibit confidence in the mother s choices.   Connecting&  HB    rHear The Story of the Baby.0_Assume that most mothers have some trauma that will effect their relationship with their baby. ``*Every mother and baby have a unique story."+$  * Help to ventilate the story of the baby. We listen to the mother so that she can  listen to the baby. Selma Fraiberg  Hear the mother s  cry and she will then be able to  hear the cry of her baby . 6wSwS(hb  h\Try to meet the new mother s dependency needs.//,&Model a secure attachment relationship2tBe willing to accept and meet the new mother s dependency.;; : Healthy mothers, like healthy babies, will wish to become  dependant on you as their therapist/caseworker. Accepting the mother s dependency in turn helps the mother to accept the dependency of the baby.$; 3Model a secure attachment. We try to be a  secure object for the mother so she will know unconsciously what to do with her baby. We try to be as available as possible for the new mother. Schedule regular sessions. Regularity is more important than frequency. This avoids the well baby being brought along as a  ticket for the mother to see you.@ 4'Try to see mothers and babies together.((0' *This makes any therapy far more effective.++ + aDAs a general principle always try to see the mother with the infant.EED This is especially true if the infant is difficult or unsettled. If you can t stand the infant for a brief period of time, how can the mother be expected to cope? There are enormous opportunities to model attachment behaviours when the infant is unsettled. (A  ^ Relating&  H    #Promote a wider supportive network.$$,Everyone can help in some way..  ~2Transference is your friend. Take advantage of it.33(2 ;Mothers project all sorts of feelings onto their therapists<< < wMonitor how you are feeling  Your feelings are often not your own! Try to monitor how you feel (counter-transference) and feed it back as a trial interpretation.  I guess it seems that a lot of the time it doesn t matter what you do. It just doesn t work. or  I guess you are feeling at times that you know nothing about looking after a baby. These interpretations can be enormously relieving for the mother and very helpful. .   zzHelp Parents To Reflect On Their Baby s Emotional Experience.>>(FMany caregivers lack this ability at first. It is crucial to relating.F Keep a Solutions Focus.( BMaintain a solutions  tool box . ! The Solutions Focus Make use of what is already there. Always seize on what the caregiver is doing right. Look for previous skills. Strengths. Avoid focus on deficits. Avoid the blame game. Look for the exceptions. When does the solution already happen? 6W W The Solutions Focus (2) How would you know if the solution had arrived? The  magic question . I hReframe  Negative Behaviour to Promote Attachment.  53 4 Help the infant s attachment behaviours to become the solution not the problem. Language is important. Identify key metaphors. War vs Gardening  battles, winners, losers, campaigns battle-grounds, retreats, casualties, combat, fighting, retreat, strategy, tactics etc Growth, nurturing, pruning shaping, arranging, paths, borders, shoots, dormancy and flowering*ZZi Use Positive Suggestion.0  *Use your leverage as an attachment figure.* C The use of positive suggestion. &!(  i.e. you simply speak as if this will definitely happen, that they will do these things. This is a form of  waking suggestion . Related to hypnotic techniques. You can  see them being a sensitive mother. ZvC   H"  1 DThe use of positive suggestion & ( We Draw a new  dotted picture of the client which the client later fills in. You draw the picture of their future (positive) behaviour and interaction. The client fills it in later with their behaviour. A case example. \OL   tDon t give up. 0tThe mother s and baby s development is an ongoing process.6;*: .& ..A Cycle& .6  1vTHE ENDH  /d-/@HDIEoHpIsJuLvMxNRSWXZ\_mopqvwxyz{|}~_0 ^VT (  T " T  <x>  P S" p   H T 0޽h ? 3fffff3̙3f̙80___PPT10.l O&r]1+v]!1X( VKJ/ 0|DArialcratomanLL4,Ԗׯ0Ԗ 4   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 0tblǢy0dv%    3fT<n&AA<% L`PAUSING,  % ( Rp@ArialArial Help Parents To Reflect On Their Babys Emotional Experience.Keep a Solutions Focus.The Solutions FocusThe Solutions Focus (2)5Reframe Negative Behaviour to Promote Attachment. Use Positive Suggestion.!The use of positive suggestion. The use of positive suggestion Dont give up. ...A Cycle.THE END  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles! mnM   21       '!#&4589:;=> RSUVYZ[\^defghijknop  0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E? f3@8 g4KdKddgׯ0Fppp@ <4!d!dvS0L,<4ddddvS0L,ʚ;ʚ;<4ddddS0g4KdKdHiׯ0pipH 0___PPT10 ppf___PPT9Hz4? %O =10When Minds Meet: PAUSING, CONNECTING, RELATING.11,-Some thoughts on Mother-Infant Psychotherapy.Pausing&  HB Before we begin j%Know the Value of Mother-Infant Work.&&,tThere is nothing more valuable for the community s future. Know Yourself0What do babies do to you?k An Ink Blot  L#Know what you believe about babies.$$ # Know what babies  do to you. How do you react to different babies? What is your automatic thinking about babies, your own baby  prejudices ? What you think about mothers and babies sets the stage for how you connect with mothers and babies.d<45 i8Let mothers start where they wish with their new babies.99,"Begin with a Positive Partnership.f5Let mothers start where they wish with their babies. 66 TMothers need to be given an opportunity to do things how they want. It is rarely helpful to prescribe at the outset. Try to exhibit confidence in the mother s choices.   Connecting&  HB    rHear The Story of the Baby.0_Assume that most mothers have some trauma that will effect their relationship with their baby. ``*Every mother and baby have a unique story."+$  * Help to ventilate the story of the baby. We listen to the mother so that she can  listen to the baby. Selma Fraiberg  Hear the mother s  cry and she will then be able to  hear the cry of her baby . 6wSwS(hb  h\Try to meet the new mother s dependency needs.//,&Model a secure attachment relationship2tBe willing to accept and meet the new mother s dependency.;; : Healthy mothers, like healthy babies, will wish to become  dependant on you as their therapist/caseworker. Accepting the mother s dependency in turn helps the mother to accept the dependency of the baby.$; 3Model a secure attachment. We try to be a  secure object for the mother so she will know unconsciously what to do with her baby. We try to be as available as possible for the new mother. Schedule regular sessions. Regularity is more important than frequency. This avoids the well baby being brought along as a  ticket for the mother to see you.@ 4'Try to see mothers and babies together.((0' *This makes any therapy far more effective.++ + aDAs a general principle always try to see the mother with the infant.EED This is especially true if the infant is difficult or unsettled. If you can t stand the infant for a brief period of time, how can the mother be expected to cope? There are enormous opportunities to model attachment behaviours when the infant is unsettled. (A  ^ Relating&  H    #Promote a wider supportive network.$$,Everyone can help in some way..  ~2Transference is your friend. Take advantage of it.33(2 ;Mothers project all sorts of feelings onto their therapists<< < wMonitor how you are feeling  Your feelings are often not your own! Try to monitor how you feel (counter-transference) and feed it back as a trial interpretation.  I guess it seems that a lot of the time it doesn t matter what you do. It just doesn t work. or  I guess you are feeling at times that you know nothing about looking after a baby. These interpretations can be enormously relieving for the mother and very helpful. .   zzHelp Parents To Reflect On Their Baby s Emotional Experience.>>(FMany caregivers lack this ability at first. It is crucial to relating.F Keep a Solutions Focus.( BMaintain a solutions  tool box . ! The Solutions Focus Make use of what is already there. Always seize on what the caregiver is doing right. Look for previous skills. Strengths. Avoid focus on deficits. Avoid the blame game. Look for the exceptions. When does the solution already happen? 6W W The Solutions Focus (2) How would you know if the solution had arrived? The  magic question . I hReframe  Negative Behaviour to Promote Attachment.  53 4 Help the infant s attachment behaviours to become the solution not the problem. Language is important. Identify key metaphors. War vs Gardening  battles, winners, losers, campaigns battle-grounds, retreats, casualties, combat, fighting, retreat, strategy, tactics etc Growth, nurturing, pruning shaping, arranging, paths, borders, shoots, dormancy and flowering*ZZi Use Positive Suggestion.0  *Use your leverage as an attachment figure.* C The use of positive suggestion. &!(  i.e. you simply speak as if this will definitely happen, that they will do these things. This is a form of  waking suggestion . Related to hypnotic techniques. You can  see them being a sensitive mother. ZvC   H"  1 DThe use of positive suggestion & ( We Draw a new  dotted picture of the client which the client later fills in. You draw the picture of their future (positive) behaviour and interaction. The client fills it in later with their behaviour. A case example. \OL   tDon t give up. 0tThe mother s and baby s development is an ongoing process.6;*: .& ..A Cycle& .6  1vTHE ENDH  /H-/@HDIEoHpIsJuLvMxNRSWXZ\_mopqwxyz{|}~f0 ' f(   "   6Ԕ  P S" p   r  S xP 4 `     T7 ?? wz 0 2@  T ?? 6 NAAIMHI-APN Joint Conference, 2007 Dr Ian Harrison VMO Psychiatrist - Karitane6" 2- 3N H  0޽h ? 3fffff3̙3f̙80___PPT10. NYwr]P91-@Arial???????????-. 3f 2 qn-^.-@Arial???????????-. 3f2 qpKaritane.-